Thursday, August 28, 2008

What a great name! Want your kid to dress like a star, here's your one stop shop! This online boutique specializes in selecting high quality children's clothing and much more. They are particular about choosing brands that are popular amongst celebrities and have been recognized for their inventory with several global advertisements. As the word continues to spread about GDO designs, I am honorered to add them to my list of boutiques now offering the Foliage Collection.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Join GDO at The City Market

Summer is coming to an end already and fall is in the air. It is a wonderful time of year to be outdoors. It has been several weeks since I have been able to attend the Charlottesville City Market as the amount of business I have had lately has kept me at home. I am excited to set up shop this weekend and display my delightful collection of new designs for Fall. This is a great opportunity for you to preview the Fall Foliage Collection from Girls Day Out and stock up on the popular prints from my Summer designs. Please contact me by Friday, August 29 if you are in need of something specific. I look forward to seeing all of you.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

And it keeps getting better! GDO in Beverly Hills

This year celebrates the third annual Celebration of Babies for the March of Dimes in Beverly Hills, CA. Celebrities and other attendees will have the opportunity to shop prior to the luncheon. I am thrilled that Girls Day Out designs have been selected amongst other high end boutique brands. I have a lot of work ahead of me to prepare for this event. But, it is a wonderful cause that I strongly believe in and want to support. 10% of sales will go to March of Dimes. Melissa Joan Hart is behind the connection to this invite. I am so excited to see what other celebrities choose GDO to be a part of their children's wardrobe this year.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Economy slows down, Girls Day Out picks up - now on

Yes, it's true! is now carrying Girls Day Out designs. An amazing opportunity for a small town girl with a bigtime dream. I've learned with the offers coming my way all at once, that I can handle it - nothing will hold me back. This is an achievement that I never imagined when this business began for me five years ago. It gets better every day. With a struggling economy, it didn't seem very promising for us this year. But, orders are at levels that keep me home more than I'd like to admit. As growth continues for me, I enjoy the challenges and demands that keep me doing what I love.
(To view available designs on Amazon, search GDO)